Ocean Custom Amendements

The Experience of Northern California Pioneers

Adapted to French and European soils

for maximized plants & soils expression

Our soil blend goes beyond just compost and peat: our Breton terroir is rich in

  • Raw & decomposed organic matter

  • Various minerals (clays, limestones)

  • Marine elements from our nearby coasts

These materials are commonly used by growers in the Emerald Triangle, a region with diverse environments, from coastal areas near vast mountains to habitats supporting a variety of wildlife.

Characterized by the preservation of its natural landscapes, the avoidance of pesticides and mineral salts, it provides an ideal environment for flora to thrive.

This balance is maintained by the native communities, who are closely knit and deeply involved in local life.

Their agricultural practices are highly productive! The Emerald Triangle’s harvests, known worldwide for their exceptional quality, highlight the importance of terroir in the expression of hemp.


According to UNESCO’s official definition, terroir is " a specific geographical area defined by a human community that, over time, has built a distinctive set of cultural traits, knowledge, and practices, based on a system of interactions between the natural environment and human factors.”

A living soil must provide the broadest possible nutrient spectrum to support a wide variety of bacteria, fungi, and other beneficial microorganisms.

This allows plants to secrete a vast range of cannabinoids, flavonoids, and other secondary compounds.

We offer different mixes of a wide variety of amendments, sourced from local productions, optimized for each stage of soil maturity and plant needs.

Suitable for all soil types, it enriches them while respecting their natural identity, allowing your plants to fully reveal the potential of your terroir.

Designed for no-till farming, our fertilizers works in harmony with soil life and structure, promoting biodiversity and water retention.

Ocean Custom Fondation

14 individually selected amendments

Ideal for establishing soil in pots or fertilizing native soil.

Provides a complete nutrient base for one cycle, with continuous release.

Dosage : 1 - 5% du volume du substrat et 1 - 5 kg/m2 en plein sol

A natural and effective solution to enrich your soils and maximize plant health, while preserving the ecosystem of your garden or farm.

6 Raw and Natural Mineral Amendments

Just as certain wines are defined by their limestone subsoil, a diverse mineral input

is crucial for the balance of your soil and the expression of your plants.

Your soil will benefit from this, enhancing its clay-humic complex, essential for optimal nutrient absorption.

We mix 5 mineral amendments with fine granulation to optimize assimilation and maintain an airy substrate.

Composition :

Bentonite - Gypsum- Lime- Basalts (différentes granulométrie) - Zeolite

8 Organics amendments

Macronutrient needs are met, but they also provide rich complementary inputs like proteins, amino-acids, vitamins, trace elements, organic matter, natural hormones, etc.

They supply a nutrient base for multiple cycles, gradually releasing their nutrients as they break down over several months.

Composition :

Castor meal - Karanja meal - Kelp AB - Barley malt AB - Wild yucca

Oyster shells - Fish bones - Wild shrimp shells

Ocean Custom Light

Commitment to Sustainable Agriculture

Our no-till living soil fertilizer is part of a sustainable agriculture approach, aiming to reduce environmental impact while increasing productivity. By choosing our amendment mix, you contribute to soil protection and the creation of more resilient agricultural systems for future generations.

10 Individually Selected Amendments

Ideally complements / re-fertilize a full no-till soil (in ground or pots) after 1 or 2 cycles.

Adapted to low-nutrients demands plants

Dosage : 1.2% -> substrat volume &1,2 kg/m2 in plain sol

A lighter nutrient base, suitable for ornamental plants and mother plants.

That’s why we offer a lighter version of our nutrient base, also perfect on its own for ornamental plants and mother plants.

Ocean Custom Floraison

10 Individually Selected Amendments

Perfect for preparing your plants for fruiting/flowering.

Dosage : 1 - 5 % -> volume du substrat / m2 en plein sol

A nutrient base optimized to provide a quickly absorbable supplement.

To be incorporated into the soil before first signs of fruiting (plant stretching, first pistils) for optimal absorption.

Early August in a "natural" cycle.